… Realized by Peggy Pehl & Kathrin Freytag
«Un Salon Sous Le Pont» ment for one day that there would be a saloon under a bridge; and it was. At «U2 Gleisdreieck», (Berlin-Schöneberg), where there is a little island just in the middle of the so-and-so busy circled carway crossing the passangers path. The heaven from the island above is an old industrial bridge – for a little CLIO Renault it should be the right place to find a ‘roof above the head’ – for one afternoon in November at least.
Featuring: Lucia Bachner (libellen – tombola, a tattoo to win), Richard Bott (sent us his dirty clothes from USA, collected on a painting) Christian Bär (abstract painting), Paul Créange (window-view from inside when clio is runnig, on the outside) Ruth Devriendt ( brought us a sketchbook for paintings), Albertine Freytag (two leftsided finger), simonberard.garden (tape, running, and overrunned), Hannah Gottschalk (box with drawings), Armand Lecouturier (sentence on mirror), Olga Monina (ein lieferschein), Peggy Pehl (multiple receivers), Manuel Schneidewind (deserted landscape, running wheel), Nicholas Strobelt (Anne & Olga with flying glaswool from USA), As well we celebrated the first addition of “Spreu” (Magazin).
There where invited 13 guests to celebrate this event of easy-housing and to make a gift for oblating CLIO.